- What are we doing? Photograph compositional rules blog, 2º ESO students

Art students in 2ºESO are taking photographs to practice compositional rules. We are focusing on three of them. Here you can see some examples of their great work:

RULE OF THIRDS: The main object is placed on one of the intersections.

Paola C 2ºB ESO
In the park during a walk near home

RULE OF SPACE: There is more space in front of the view of the person/animal than in the back.
Álvaro C 2ºB ESO 
Made at home through a window

RULE OF THE HORIZON LINE: You can divide the landscape in three horizontal lines.

Ruben L 2ºA ESO
Made in Toledo during their last school trip

If you want to see more images click here:


If you want to review the activity task follow this link:


We continue uploading images. They are doing a great job!! Congratulations!!
