2nd ESO ART. UNIT 5.7 Image Analysis

All the images can be analized, described and studied to understand better their meaning.

Now you are going to watch in this video basic tips to write a Visual Analysis. Knowing the origin of the image, date and author can be the first step, but there are more information that we can get.

Now look at your image and write your own analysis. Copy only the text in yellow and use the help  to write your own answer.

- What type of image do you see? justify your answer. I think it is......... because....

It can be a photograph, a painting, a drawing, an sculpture, an engraving, a graffiti, an image from TV, an image from internet.

- In What media do you think you would see it? Justify your answer. I think ....... because......

It can be an art exibition, a newspaper, a fashion magazine, an advertising poster, a billboard, in the street walls, a book, on a TV program.

- When do you think they create the image? Justify your answer. I think..... because.....

A few years ago, nowdays, in prehistory.

- What elements do you see in the image?

- How many characters do you see? What are they doing?
- What is happening in the image?
- Explain the connotative and denotative meanings of this image? Justify your answer. I think........ because....
Denotative and Connotative Images

A helpful definition from Yingying Zhang's from the California Institute of Arts.
A denotative image is a direct representation of an object from life. For example, you understand the left image is a coffee cup, although it’s largely cartoonized. As long as you draw the essence of it (a white cup, some hot air, a small plate), people understand it even thought it’s not entirely photorealistic.

A connotative image adds a “meaning” layer to a denotative image. It may require some level of literacy, imagination and thinking to interpret the meaning. You notice on the right side, it looks like a coffee cup, but with the words “OUR MEMORIES” in the coffee whirl, it’s more than that. You may think it means recalling a happy moment from the past, or you even ask “Why are the words in the whirl? Does that mean the memories never come back?” Whatever it is, it makes people think, that’s a connotative image.

From: http://www.yingyingz.com/2016/04/fundamentals-graphic-design-denotation-images-connotation-images/
