1st ESO ART. Unit 6.4. Relative positions between circumferences

Once we understand the diference between circle and circumference, let see two circles on the plane and the relative position between them:

EXTERIOR CIRCUMFERENCES: If they do not overlap and the distance between their centers is greater than the sum of their radius. No matter if they have the same or different radius.

EXTERIOR TANGENT CIRCUMFERENCES: If they have just one common point and all other points are exterior to the other.

INTERIOR TANGENT CIRCUMFERENCES: if they have a common point and all other points of one of them are interior to the other, exclusively. One has to have a greater radius than the other.

INTERSECTING CIRCUMFERENCES: If they intersect at two different points and the distance between their centers is less than the sum of their radius. No matter if they have the same or different radius. Two different circles cannot intersect at more than two points.

CONCENTRIC CIRCUMFERENCES:If they have the same center (the distance between their centers is 0) and a different radius. One has to have a greater radius than the other one.

INTERIOR CIRCUMFERENCES: If they have no common points and the distance between their centers is greater than 0 and less than the difference of their radius. One has to have a greater radius than the other.

Guess what type of relationship has this other circunferences:

