2nd ESO Art. Unit 6 Audiovisual communication. Comic

Now we are going to study Comics more seriusly, that means an specific activity with coloured backgrounds and concrete work. Read pages 49, 50, 51 and 52 in the theory book, here you have a small explanation and a video to help you.

Comics are a visual language telling stories with basic elements like: literary script, technical script, panels, images and texts.

- Literary script: Means the story you are developing through the dialogs and narrator information.
- Technical script: Explains how the comic is going to be done, panels, graphics and reading way.
- Panels: Normaly square or rectangular form spaces where you draw the comics. These elements represent the space and time in the action, they are organized in the page so readers can follow the sequence in a logic way.
- Images: The drawings in the panels, characters and expresions.
- Texts: The language of the comic by conversations of the characters or by a narrator explaining situations or the story.

Important resources in comic strips: Types of shot, Balloons and Captions, Onomatopoeia, kinetic lines and symbols.

- Extreme wide: You can see all the place where the action is going to happen from far away.
- Wide: Very similar to the previous one but closer.
- Full: You can se one or two characters from head to feet.
- American or three-quarter: Used in cowboy movies to show the guns, characters from head to mid leg.
- Medium: One or two characters from head to waist.
- Close: One character only head and shoulders
- Extreme close: Details of the scene like a telephone ringing, a candle or a hand ringing a bell.


Speech balloons or speech bubles are used to associate words with the characters. Captions are rectangular elements that ocntains narrator information. Always using CAPITAL LETTERS. Here you can see a few examples:


Graphical representations of sounds.


This are graphic conventions that expresss movement or help with emotions using lines, clowds, dots or other elements. You can see them with onomatopoeias above and characters in the next images:

Lisen to a few tips to help you improve your comics:


You are going to do a comic strip following this instructions:

- First you will do a literaty and technical script. You have to write the story in a paper and also how you are going to show it in the comic, this will take one page with text and sketchs.
- Then you have to do a comic with six panels and at least four types of shots using a whole page of your notebook.
- Add to the comic at least two different types of ballons, one onomatopoeia and kinetic lines or symbols whenever it is needed but at least once.
- To do the comic drawing first use pencil, then use black marker for lines and color markers to fill figure and backgrownd with colors.

- Send me two images, one with the script and another with the comic in two different emails.

You have three weeks to do the task, enjoy with your work, use your imagination, have fun, your teacher.
