1st ESO bilingual

Terminada la evaluación dejaremos visible por un tiempo el listado de tareas por si resulta útil aunque ya no se añadirá mas contenido.


This class is for the groups 1ºA, 1ºB and 1ºC in Aldebaran School, Alcobendas. Exercises must be send before the end of the delivery date, from that date on, the delay will be subtracted from the final mark of the exercise.

22th of May is the last day to send activities. 
Exercises sent after this date are not going to be corrected.

From 11th to 22th of May you have two weeks to do the exercise "Person in a window". You can also do an EXTRA ACTIVITY if you practice drawing faces. There is a BONUS TASK at the end of the explanation. The explanation of this exercise and the activity are in this link:

Until the 22th of May You can try this task made by your assistant Rachel (although some of you worked with Sam this course, Rachel is doing activities for all 1st ESO students during quarantine):

From 28th of April to 11th of May you have two weeks to do the exercise "Collage". You can also do an extra activity in an online game. The explanation of this exercise and the activity are in this link:

The school leaves from 20th to 24th of April to review contents and send pending activities. You have one more week to send Angles activity.

From  1st to 27th of April
you have two weeks (Don't work on Holidays from 3th to 13th of April)  to do the extra activity  "A windmill for the Autism Day the 2nd of April".

Craft: Paper Windmill

From 1st to 27th of April you have two weeks (Don't work on Holidays from 3th to 13th of April) to do the exercise "Copy, Add and Subtract an angle". The explanation of this exercise is in this link:

Exercise: "Copy, Add and Subtract an angle"

From 25th to 31th of March you have one week to do the exercise "Adding and subtracting segments". The explanation of this activity and exercise is in this link:

From 18th to 24th of March you have one week to do the exercise "Visual Textures". The explanation of this activity and exercise is in this link:

Activity:"Watch the video and answer the questions" (Obligatory in the notebook but DON'T SEND)
Exercise: "Visual Textures" (send it to the teacher before 24th of March)

From 11th to 24th of March you have two weeks to do an extra activity. This activity is voluntary and adds extra mark. You have todo a comic about "My 15 days at home in quarantine". Here you have some tips to learn: In this link.

I want to see your designs, but if you are not confident with your drawings you can use this program for your comic: https://www.makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/

From 11th to 17th of March you have one week to do the exercise "Color Temperature". The explanation of this exercise is in this link:

Exercise "Color Temperature" (send it to the teacher before 17th of March)


Stay well and work hard to send me your beautiful creations, regards, your Art Teacher


  1. Hi Ana. I am a Eva from 1B eso. You told us to do a composition of textures, but I dont find the explaniations. Where are they?

    1. I´m Eva H also from 1B ESO. I can´t found the composition of textures either

    2. Also you tell us the redaction of 15 days, but I can´t found it

    3. Hi girls, the first task is the Color temperature, I will put information about textures and comic as soon as possible, comic is voluntary, do ir after Color temperature, texture is for next week, regards, Ana

    4. Comic is about your feelings 15 days at home due to the situation we are living, It is a voluntary activity, I will post information soon

  2. Hi,I'm Sara E. from 1B.If we finish a work how do we show it to you? I can't we any options to share a picture

  3. Sara, send me the picture by email, if you don't know my email call by phone to the school and they will give it to you. Take the photo with a mobile phone and send it to me, regards, Ana BS

  4. Ana, The email gives me an error in the delivery of the color temperature´s task... what can I do?

    1. Who are you? Check the tips I'm giving to Marta S from 1A, hugs, Teacher Ana

  5. Ana, I´m Marcos from 1C. The email gives me an error in the delivery of my task. I just call the school but they don´t answer... Can you help me? Thank you.

  6. Ana soy Marta Sanz de 1A.Te he enviado mis trabajos mas de 1000 veces ya y me pone que no se esta enviando.Me puedes ayudar porfa?.Gracias y responde cuanto antes

    1. Hello Marcos G from 1C all your activities arrived correctly don't worry, regards Teacher

    2. Hello Marta S from 1A yes I see that I don't have your activities and I know you always work hard and do all the exercises. Try to send them at night after 21:00 hours with less internet traffic, be sure all the photo wheight is less than 700 KB and send one photo on each email. They will arrive for sure, in your mobile check the size of your photos, maybe they are too big. You can do it, regards Teacher Ana

    3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

    4. Good Job Sara they arrived!!!


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